"I love, therefore I am." An unofficial webblog dedicated to Hieromonk Nicholas Sakharov from Essex Monastery
„Iubesc, deci sânt.” Un blog neoficial dedicat Ieromonahului Nikolae Sakharov de la Mănăstirea „Sf. Ioan Botezătorul” din Essex

vineri, 11 martie 2016

Fr. Nikolai Sakharov: „Living as Orthodox in the modern world: faith, culture and ethnicity”

Fr Nikolai Sakharov (D.Div., Oxford): „Living as Orthodox in the modern world: faith, culture and ethnicity”.   Fr Nikolai was a student of Metropolitan Kallistos and he received a D.Div. from the University of Oxford. His thesis: „I Love Therefore I am: The Theological Legacy of Archimandrite Sophrony” is published by SVS:  I Love Therefore I am: The Theological Legacy of Archimandrite Sophrony  (SVS 2003). He is a member of the monastic community at the Patriarchal Stavropegic Monastery of St John the Baptist (Ecumenical Patriarchate). The Holy Monastery is at Tolleshunt Nights, near Maldon, Essex CM9 8EZ.

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